I first wanna start off by saying sorry I know this is kind of old news but its my first blog post cause I just made the blog today.
Alright now lets get to the fight, first of all I'm a big Frank Edgar fan, after dethroning the champ BJ Penn and then successfully defending his belt against him he proved all doubters that he is a champ for a reason and he's one seriously bad dude. Just wanted to throw that out there but anyways for his second title defense he faced Gray Maynard last Saturday, I'm not big on Gray Maynard only because the guy looks like a 180pounder when he's fighting at 155, Frankie Edgar is a true light weight. But all that aside going into the fight last Saturday I was a little worried about my boy and for good reason, Frankie's only loss in his career is to Gray Maynard and last saturdays fight was nothing short of amazing, Gray had Frankie badly rocked in the first round, how Frankie survived that round is a miracle or the guy is just a bad ass. Gray Maynard threw 97 punches in the first round alone trying to finish off the champ but Frankie Edgar wasn't going to give up his belt that easy. After a very rough first round for Edgar he came into the second with his legs back under him, he was moving good and took it too Edgar in retaliation scoring some hudge punches and an electrifying take down that almost brought down the whole arena, Maynard looked gassed or at least was trying to save the rest of his energy for the later rounds because championship fights are 5 rounds. Edgar easily won the second round. In the third, fouth and fifth round they were back and fourth both fighters exchanging nice combantations, the last 3 rounds were very tough to call, I called it Maynard in the 1st and 3rd Frankie in the 2nd 4th and 5th but the judges rendered the fight a draw! the first round was scored a 10-8 since Frankie got the living shit beat out of him, and thats what made it a draw..awesome come back though definitly THE BEST recovery i've seen a fighter make after being rocked a whole round, winner of this fight was supposed to fight another one of my favorite fighers but from WEC Anthony "Showtime Pettis" but since the "controversial decision" which is BS that wont be happening...but thats another post!
What are your comments on the fight? How did you call it? do you think Gray Maynard should deserve an immediate rematch?
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